09 August 2010

Flowers + cat = Happy Anniversary!

Mr. swatchcat and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on Saturday.  We went to a wedding on Saturday for a friend of mine from graduate school, so we celebrated on Friday night, instead.  We went a little nostalgic, celebrating by getting some food from the restaurant that catered our reception - pizza, lasagna and breadsticks!!  Yummmm!!

This post is just a little late, but I wanted to get a picture of my flowers all opened up!  Whenever Mr. swatchcat gets me flowers, the kitties are always a little curious.  Fortunately, they're pretty good, and the novelty wears off quickly. :)

swatchcat C ignoring the flowers.

swatchcat C caught "admiring" the flowers.

Pretty flowers all opened up!


  1. Happy anniversary sweetie. Your flowers look so gorgeous...and lol @Mr.Swathcat C hehe!

  2. Happy anniversary. Your flowers are lovely. xx
